
 Gaining Awareness While on a Budget 

When moving from the military to the corporate sector, it’s a good idea to make yourself situationally aware of what’s going on in the business world. Oftentimes we find interesting articles online to provide to our candidates, only to realize those articles are locked behind a paywall. Frustrating yet understandable since journalists have to make […]

What vs. Why

As you ponder future job interviews, you may be thinking about all of the stories that you could be telling. Most interviewers tend to rely heavily on behavioral-type interviewing questions which are ripe for story-telling.  These questions call upon you to describe how you behaved in various situations. Some common examples include: The common feature […]

Virtual Interviews: What you need to know

I recently conducted a free webinar for military veterans on how to prepare for virtual interviews and thought it might be worthwhile to share a narrative of that webinar to a wider audience here on LinkedIn. More and more companies are making use of technology to complement their talent acquisition strategies. The advent of COVID-19 has […]

Want a Job? Don’t smell and 10 other small but helpful hints

We’ve all heard the expression: “Don’t sweat the small stuff, it’s all small stuff.” Great advice for those times in life when we let little things consume our attention, thus causing us to lose sight of the big picture. However, having interviewed and assisted thousands of military veterans seeking corporate positions, I have found that […]

Q: Is Passion Over-rated?

A:  No, but I think it can be misinterpreted.  Read on: When we work with candidates to prepare them to join the business world, we try to put emphasis on the importance of Passion.    However,  I think our words can easily be misinterpreted.  I say that because when I ask candidates about their career interests, many will […]