
Words you May Be Using Incorrectly on your Resume

Having read thousands of resumes, we have seen just about every common mistake imaginable. But we are careful not to judge because we are all prone to making writing mistakes. For many of us, it’s due to the fact that we can’t type quite as quickly as we can think. So we often leave out definite […]

A Tale of Two Elevators

This week I’d like to go back a few years to describe two different elevator stories: one with a happy ending and another that was not. To start, let me try to paint the picture of what in-person Alliance hiring conferences were like prior to us shifting to virtual conferences. They all took place in […]

A Bad Habit You Didn’t Know You Had

If you have been in the Military for a few years, you may have received some instruction on the Military writing style. I recall learning some of the basics from a former Company Commander as well as what they taught us in the Infantry Officer Advanced Course. This training proved valuable later in my career […]

Attitude is Everything

James Citrin is a well-known executive recruiter, career coach, and author of several informative books including one on our recommended reading list, The First 90 Days. In his book called The Career Playbook, he offers advice to aspiring professionals. One thing he mentions is that “Nothing is more important than a positive attitude.” Citrin rightly […]

Attacking Imposter Syndrome

In a recent book by Adam Grant, called Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things he speaks about overcoming Imposter Syndrome. If you are not familiar with Grant, he is a well-respected organizational psychologist and professor at the Wharton Business School. He was rated by students as the #1 professor at Wharton for 7 straight […]

Some Messy Statistics About Finding A Job

After being in the recruiting industry for over 20 years we have come across some interesting statistics that many people, especially military veterans, don’t realize about the hiring process.  Here are a few: While the numbers may vary on these statistics depending on the source used, the overall message is fairly consistent: Securing a good […]

Telephonic Interview Advice

Today’s tip is pretty simple and straightforward. It deals with one small but important detail related to telephonic interviews. It’s very relevant for us at Alliance because we do thousands of telephonic interviews (both real and practice) with our candidates. You may have never thought of it, but telephonic interviews are actually the most common […]

Verbal vs. Written Job Offers

At Alliance Careers, our assistance to candidates doesn’t end with the interviews conducted at the hiring conference. Our job isn’t complete until we have guided them all of the way through the offer negotiation phase. Where it can get tricky is when an offer is verbalized before being put into writing. When it comes to […]

Does Your College Major Matter?

I read an article in the Washington Post recently that made me want to revisit a blog post I wrote almost exactly five years ago.  The Post article, The Most-Regretted (and Lowest-Paying) College Majors goes on to say that those who major in the humanities have the biggest regrets due to the least appealing job prospects.  By […]