
Tips for Proofreading Your Resume

It goes without saying that you should always proofread important documents. And what document is more important in your career search than your resume? Yet, unfortunately, we see resumes  submitted to us or on job boards that are riddled with basic errors that could have easily been caught if only good proofreading had been done. Don’t […]

Put Yourself In the Interviewer’s Shoes

One of the keys to nailing an interview is to have a good variety of stories prepared ahead of time.  And one thing we really love about our jobs is that we get to hear some truly amazing stories. But a story is only effective if the interviewer has a good appreciation for the significance […]

Eyes Right!

Today our topic is about the importance of eye contact. Think about a time when you were having a serious conversation with another person, perhaps a junior member of your team, and that person had difficulty making eye contact with you. Do you remember what you were thinking at the time? Could it be that […]

Telephonic Interview Advice

Today’s tip is pretty simple and straightforward. It deals with one small but important detail related to telephonic interviews. It’s very relevant for us at Alliance because we do thousands of telephonic interviews (both real and practice) with our candidates. You may have never thought of it, but telephonic interviews are actually the most common […]

Does Your College Major Matter?

I read an article in the Washington Post recently that made me want to revisit a blog post I wrote almost exactly five years ago.  The Post article, The Most-Regretted (and Lowest-Paying) College Majors goes on to say that those who major in the humanities have the biggest regrets due to the least appealing job prospects.  By […]

White Space

Today our topic covers a simple yet important point related to resumes:  White Space. Your resume serves a pretty simple purpose: to convince a hiring authority that you are worth interviewing. Generally, that means your resume needs to provide a hiring manager a clear sense of your education, work experience, and accomplishments. But just because someone sees your […]

 Gaining Awareness While on a Budget 

When moving from the military to the corporate sector, it’s a good idea to make yourself situationally aware of what’s going on in the business world. Oftentimes we find interesting articles online to provide to our candidates, only to realize those articles are locked behind a paywall. Frustrating yet understandable since journalists have to make […]

Dealing With a Low GPA

If you performed very well academically in college, naturally that’s something you should bring attention to on your resume by including your GPA or academic honors. But if your GPA wasn’t stellar, say less than 3.0 (on a 4-point scale), then it’s not so advisable to include it.   But rest assured that if your academic record […]

Career Considerations for Remote Work

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you know that many employers have become more open to allowing their employees to work remotely. It’s one of the many byproducts of the pandemic. And if you knew that, you are also aware that many employers are pulling or have pulled) their […]