
Approximation vs. Precision on Your Resume

This week’s message focuses on some best practices for reporting numbers in your resume. My experience is that most candidates realize the importance of using numbers to describe their responsibilities and achievements. As a leader, it’s probably been beaten into your head:  you gotta hit your numbers, you gotta hit your numbers. It’s generally understood that using numbers […]

Resume Tip: Quantify – but within reason

Most people have heard that it is important to quantify things on your resume.  Numbers don’t lie.  Well actually they can, but that’s another story.  But the point is that quantifying a responsibility or result can help the hiring manager better understand the scale of your achievement. The corporate world is very numbers- and result-driven. […]

Resume Tip: How to Proofread a Resume

If we had better foresight we would have published today’s resume tip two weeks ago. That is, before the deadline for our April conference candidates to submit their first resume draft. If you are an Alliance candidate, we hope you will refer to this tip prior to your first submission because it will make everyone’s […]

Virtual Interviews: What you need to know

I recently conducted a free webinar for military veterans on how to prepare for virtual interviews and thought it might be worthwhile to share a narrative of that webinar to a wider audience here on LinkedIn. More and more companies are making use of technology to complement their talent acquisition strategies. The advent of COVID-19 has […]

How Important is your College Major?

Many transitioning service members and graduating college students enter the civilian workforce with some trepidation, wondering if they chose a college major that will land them a great job.  No doubt, liberal arts majors worry about this the most.   Well, there is some good news: an article from the Wall Street Journal claims that, when it […]

The Secret to a Powerful Resume Bullet

Are you struggling with developing a resume for your transition to Corporate America? Join the thousands of other officers with the same challenge. The key with any resume, whether civilian or military, is to create powerful achievement bullets that demonstrate that you offer valuable skills and have used them effectively to produce a significant impact […]

So What?

As Alliance Careers moves into a new iteration of interview training for military officers attending our June 2016 hiring conference, I am preparing myself for one of the the most common questions I ask those candidates: So What? This question can be put in the context of humble warriors learning the essentials of effectively bragging […]

Want a Job? Don’t smell and 10 other small but helpful hints

We’ve all heard the expression: “Don’t sweat the small stuff, it’s all small stuff.” Great advice for those times in life when we let little things consume our attention, thus causing us to lose sight of the big picture. However, having interviewed and assisted thousands of military veterans seeking corporate positions, I have found that […]