
What are you worth? Answering the salary question

One of the more challenging, and some would argue unfairly, asked questions you may face in an interview is:  “What are your salary expectations?”  I personally don’t have a problem with the nature of the question, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy question for a candidate to face. Forms of this question are commonly […]

Put Yourself in the Interviewer’s Shoes

One of the keys to nailing an interview is to have a good variety of stories prepared ahead of time. And one thing I really love about my job is that for the last 15 years I have heard some truly amazing stories. But a story is only effective when the interviewer has a good appreciation […]

Don’t let your iPhone cost you an interview

This week I want to share the many ways your very expensive high-tech cell phone could hurt you in an interview. And by the way, you should expect that you will have to conduct a telephonic interview at some point. Several of our corporate partners like to conduct interim follow-up interviews over the phone. While […]

Interviewing Tip: Eliminating Uh’s And Um’s

Recently we covered how to overcome nervous jitters in an interview. Obviously, one way that people display nervousness is by inserting filler words like uh’s and um’s throughout their responses. Yet, these annoying utterances aren’t always due to nervousness. Whatever the cause, it can derail an interview.  Here are several effective techniques that will help […]

Virtual Interviews: What you need to know

I recently conducted a free webinar for military veterans on how to prepare for virtual interviews and thought it might be worthwhile to share a narrative of that webinar to a wider audience here on LinkedIn. More and more companies are making use of technology to complement their talent acquisition strategies. The advent of COVID-19 has […]

So What?

As Alliance Careers moves into a new iteration of interview training for military officers attending our June 2016 hiring conference, I am preparing myself for one of the the most common questions I ask those candidates: So What? This question can be put in the context of humble warriors learning the essentials of effectively bragging […]

Want a Job? Don’t smell and 10 other small but helpful hints

We’ve all heard the expression: “Don’t sweat the small stuff, it’s all small stuff.” Great advice for those times in life when we let little things consume our attention, thus causing us to lose sight of the big picture. However, having interviewed and assisted thousands of military veterans seeking corporate positions, I have found that […]