Now that we have your attention, we need to come clean and admit that we might have exaggerated a tiny bit. Perhaps this tip won’t be that amazing, but it’s still pretty good. We gave it the snazzy title to illustrate our real lesson for the day. No doubt, you have surfed the web and had your attention […]
veteran jobs
Focus on the Job at Hand
There is a chance that one day you will find yourself interviewing for a very large company – the type of company whose website overwhelms you with the number and diversity of its various business units. Perhaps the classic example of such a company is Johnson & Johnson which has over 200 separate operating companies. […]
Gaining Awareness While on a Budget
When moving from the military to the corporate sector, it’s a good idea to make yourself situationally aware of what’s going on in the business world. Oftentimes we find interesting articles online to provide to our candidates, only to realize those articles are locked behind a paywall. Frustrating yet understandable since journalists have to make […]
Three Resume Dilemmas and How to Deal with Them
We’ve got resumes on our minds here at Alliance since we are deep into providing resume feedback to candidates slated to attend our November hiring conference. After having coached thousands of military candidates over the years, we thought it would be a good idea to mention three common dilemmas that many have asked us about, […]
Why You Lost the Interview You Thought You Won
Perhaps the worst part of competing for a job is to come out of an interview believing that you nailed it, only to find out that you didn’t make the cut. If this should ever happen to you, you might think “How could they not have liked me? I had a great answer to all of their […]
Career Considerations for Remote Work
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few years, you know that many employers have become more open to allowing their employees to work remotely. It’s one of the many byproducts of the pandemic. And if you knew that, you are also aware that many employers are pulling or have pulled) their […]
Reflections from an Alliance Alum
Today we’d like to highlight a recent conversation we had with Dylan Allen, USMA 2018. Dylan is a former Army Engineer officer that came through the Alliance program and secured a project management position with Vulcraft. He took time to meet with Ryan Wilde to discuss his transition experience.