interview tips

Focus on the Job at Hand

There is a chance that one day you will find yourself interviewing for a very large company – the type of company whose website overwhelms you with the number and diversity of its various business units. Perhaps the classic example of such a company is Johnson & Johnson which has over 200 separate operating companies. […]

Don’t Judge Too Quickly

We’ve all heard the expression: “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.” If you are like most people, there has been a time when you know that you didn’t make a good first impression and would love to get a “re-do.”  After all, it seems unfair to be judged too critically […]

Put Yourself In the Interviewer’s Shoes

One of the keys to nailing an interview is to have a good variety of stories prepared ahead of time.  And one thing we really love about our jobs is that we get to hear some truly amazing stories. But a story is only effective if the interviewer has a good appreciation for the significance […]