
Want a Job? Don’t smell and 10 other small but helpful hints

We’ve all heard the expression: “Don’t sweat the small stuff, it’s all small stuff.” Great advice for those times in life when we let little things consume our attention, thus causing us to lose sight of the big picture. However, having interviewed and assisted thousands of military veterans seeking corporate positions, I have found that […]

Using Your Research Skills to Prepare for Interviews

  As a transitioning military officer, preparing for a job interview can be incredibly overwhelming. Going straight from college into your first military position took some of the stress out of the job hunt, leaving you with a sense of security and relinquishing the dreaded job hunting jitters. Now as you prepare for a position […]

8 Worst Words and Phrases To Use When Looking For A Job

Over the last 10 years or so, I have seen thousands of resumes and have conducted nearly as many interviews of transitioning junior military officers.  In that span, I have come across many positive forms of expression as well as those that weren’t so effective.  I prefer not to focus on the so-called “magic words” that […]