Monthly Archives: August 2024

Just because it’s legal, . . . 

This week we are covering a topic that we would not have considered 10 years.  Yet with the relaxing of laws in many states, we realize that it might be appropriate for a small (probably a very small) group of military veterans seeking their first job in the corporate sector. If you are on active […]

Focus on the Job at Hand

There is a chance that one day you will find yourself interviewing for a very large company – the type of company whose website overwhelms you with the number and diversity of its various business units. Perhaps the classic example of such a company is Johnson & Johnson which has over 200 separate operating companies. […]

Don’t Judge Too Quickly

We’ve all heard the expression: “You only get one chance to make a good first impression.” If you are like most people, there has been a time when you know that you didn’t make a good first impression and would love to get a “re-do.”  After all, it seems unfair to be judged too critically […]

From Oops to Offer: Avoiding the Little Things

Over the years we have entertained many questions from candidates about how to improve their chances in a job interview. The funny thing is that when competing at a high level against other well-qualified candidates, sometimes it’s the little things that keep candidates from coming out on top. It’s almost like competing in gymnastics at […]

Make Your Career Transition a Team Effort

Let me tell you a story. About 12 years ago, we had a candidate, Tom, who attended our conference in Charlotte, NC, with his wife, Heather. Heather was incredible. Wherever Tom was, she was right there beside him, offering all kinds of support. It was amazing to go by the hotel atrium in the evenings […]